Monday, August 1, 2016

Sabbir Ahmed Tanvir's Life from Past | My Life From Past Memories

Assalamu Alaikum everyone. This is Sabbir Ahmed Tanvir . I'm trying to explore myself, so that I can share my stories with you. So, I decided to write myself which will be started from my past. After that I will write my Present which I'm living in. At the end of my story I will tell you hopes for my Future. I will tell my stories in different articles from my past, present & future. I think you will enjoy my story.

Let's start from the Past :)
baby boy

I was born on 1st March 1994 in Narsingdi District. This is a quite good city, many famous people are born here. Ohh, how can I forget to tell you guys Narsingdi is famous which for? Narsingdi is industrial city & area called Baburhat is the Biggest wholesale clothing market in the country. Narsingdi is famous aslo for Banana, pure vegetables, & Longan . Anyway, I was telling about me ;)

I'm the only child of my parents. I grow up in a family of Love & Care. My parents always concerned about my studies, they nursing me well. I start my school life earlier in "Kamal Mojumdar School & colleg"e located at Pallabi, Dhaka. After completing my primary education my family was going back to Narsingdi. I admitted in a Madrasah called "Paulanpur Islamia Fadil Madrasah" near my village. I completed my Dakhil from here. I got my HSC from from "Narsingdi Government College". My Madrasah & College life gave me many things, friends, experiences & introduced me a new world. I play cricket with my friends. I love to making friends , that's why I have lot's of friends.
past photo

In my childhood, I was passionate about gardening. That was my interest & hobbies too ;)
I had a garden where was 39 types of flower trees & that was fav. When all flowers ware blooming my garden feels peace. Internet was my thing. At the age of 12 I was browsing internet in a nokia folded phone ;) . It was fun.

There are many memories in my past. I can share a bad memory. My Grandfather, he is a very lovable person, good people I ever seen. He loved me a lot. He was always advised me to doing good things, praying Salat, and many things. He was died (please allah, peace on him). I love him so much ;(

I want to share a great memory. It was a tour in Bandarban. Bandarban is a awesome place to tour. You will feel like a bird, when you in the top of hills. You can never imagine what it is. I will advise everyone to go to Bandarban & see the place of Dream.

Thanks for reading my blog. If you interest about my Present, then read my next blog. Thank you :)

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